Meet The Team

luxury wedding photographers


Ever since I can remember I’ve been drawn to art. The creativity, the process, the final product… I’ve loved creating things and using my creativity to make something that I enjoy looking at.

When I was 13 my parents got me my first “real” camera. From there I was photographing my siblings, my friends, dogs; anyone I could get to pose for me! 

It was a hobby for me for the longest time until I found out wedding photography could be a profession. I never dreamed it would be possible to do the thing I loved for a living!! 

It’s amazing to witness first hand how God can lead you to something you never could have imagined for yourself. His provision, His guidance, and the opportunities that opened up for me is something I could’ve never done on my own.

And here we are. A Mother and Daughter duo, and so blessed with all our amazing couples and people we get to capture!


Caffeine addict and Mother of 4, the words “free time” is not a part of my vocabulary!

Not going to lie, it’s Sophie that got me into photography.. I worked in healthcare for over 12 years. 

I joined the team full time our second year of business. 

10 years ago If you’d have told me I’d be working with my daughter I wouldn’t have believed you! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be able to work together!

I immigrated from Ukraine at 14 years old, and got married at 17. Since I couldn’t afford to hire a professional photographer my goal is to give back to our clients what I wish I could’ve had for my wedding! 

I treat our brides like my own daughters because I want them to have an amazing day! 

luxury wedding photographers

Remember your special day

Through photographs

 prices start at $4,200

featured on

The Knot
Sophie – (609) 579-1400
Yelena – (609) 364-6280
Email –
Based in South Jersey, available for travel